Dear Diary,
I have so many things I want to write about. Friendships in sl, breakups in sl, being thankful. I would like to start with Friendships.
Guess I will start with friendships. Friendships start by a casual conversation in local chat. You can attract attention to yourself by how sweet, how funny, or just by how you look. Friendships begins in sl with an offer to befriend someone. I don't accept just anyone. I am annoyed by random friendship offers. However, I have accepted plenty of them lately only to make my list grow, then after a while if I haven't talked to the person for awhile or they haven't talked to me I tend not to give it a second thought and remove them from my list. So in sl friendships begin by comments made in local chat. Then continued in private instant messages. But as quickly as friendships are made, friendships are broken by many things. And just like friendships, relationships are pretty much made the same way as friendships in sl.
Someone sees you across the room or by local chat and have the urge to meet you and get to know you. After while a proposal might come your way and you can accept it or decline it. And if you accept it lots of things can happen. You begin to plan for a wedding... and like real life weddings in second life are just as expensive. Its a little harder to put together then real life. Its very hard to coordinate everyone's play time on sl. Or some just take the partnership as you are now married and lets call it good. ... Once partnered many things happen. Many lead happy lives as a couple so happy they decide to have babies on here (one of which I still don't understand what the draw to it is, because in Real life you can't shove your kid in inventory and hope that it will take care of itself) or they just enjoy the company of each other make happy homes. But it seems that in sl a love of a life time can last anywhere from 1 day to a year and maybe longer. Funny thing is in sl there is no conception of time days or it seems that way, yes there is slt (second life time) but it seems as if the days and time stand still. Maybe it is just me.
That brings me to the next part of my blog love and partnerships are the hardest things I think in sl. Yes, I was partnered and married in sl. No, I didn't have kids in sl. To me having kids in sl was creepy. I joked a lot about it but it wasn't for me. I should not have put a lot of faith into my married life on sl. Did I care deeply for the person I was involved with, yes. But I don't think I cared for him in thesame way he did me. So many in sl are hiding from their real life partners or they are simply miserable in their marriage and don't care. In my case I am married in real and I am extremely happy with my husband. We don't hide things from each other. He also is in Second life just that we have chose to live our lives differently on sl. And there a few other people that I have met that are doing the same. That being said, there are things I have noticed about break ups. Does it hurt ...sure it hurts like hell, you have let someone get close to you and maybe sl and rl lines have blurred. So you have to cope with losing that person. But then you have some "so called friends" or people that knew you were together taking pictures of your now x only a few days after your break up of being with someone different. Okay that is just malicious and why do you have to put your two cents in their relationship and show that picture to the partner. How do you know what that partner was doing in the other persons arms even if they are cuddling or dancing for that matter. Maybe that friend is there talking to partner being there as a good friend for the partner to lean on, so I guess what I am saying if you don't know whats going on stay the hell out of it. Don't take the malicious picture then show it to the other partner you have no need to add fuel to the fire.You don't know if the broken up couple are trying to put their relationship back together and who are you to say that the partner that is dancing, cuddling or whatever are just talking. You have no idea what they are talking about in private and its none of your business and surely not your place to pass judgement on the situation. Stay out of it unless you are invited in. Maybe the couple is still trying to work things out. If so leave them be, if they are truly your friends be supportive. Be there for them to cry on your shoulder or lift them up or just listen to them offer good advice or keep your mouth shut. Ok that was more of a rant then anything.
My last thing for the post is this time of year I like to look back over the year and think what am I thankful
for? first Real Life thankfulness: Thankful for a wonderful Loving husband who stands by my side when I am sick and having to help me deal with a illness that we will probably never know why or what it is. I am thankful that he works full time to take care of us, and so I am able to stay home to take care of our little (btw isn't so little) I am thankful for a healthy child. I am thankful that my through out the year we have survived many illnesses with our parents. I am thankful for renewed friendships from my past. Second live Thankful: I am thankful for making some truly wonderful friends that have allowed me to come into their lives. I am thankful that most of them at one point or another have crossed my path and gave me a shoulder to lean when I needed some encouragement. SO THIS IS FOR EVERYONE three of the toughest words to say 'I LOVE YOU' Thanks for being there for me.
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