Hi I am Izzie

Hi I am Izzie
Welcome to My life.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Trading, Selling, Auctioning and Passing the word around.....

Dear Diary,
Not much happening in sl lately and seems that my days on sl have grown shorter and shorter all the time.  My real life seems to have taken over much of sl "playtime".  I am still raising horses.  Not sure how much longer that will be though.  I have been to a few auctions and "Wow" is what I say.

My first auction I went to with Stoney... Crazy things happen at horse Auctions. People go crazy over horses so you never can tell what will happen if you have a horse up for Auction.

I have a Mustang, I must find a mate for or I believe he will get sick on me.  Not totally sure on that .  His happiness today has been low, so I decided to take him out to a sim. This sim  happens to be 4 sims that have private trails that I was riding when I took this picture. I have really enjoyed riding the trails. Lots of wild life and places to have some "quiet time with a friend". Although both times I have come to the sim to ride I have been alone. Alone is not all that bad at times. Gives a person a chance to ponder things.

Me with my Mustang stud "with luv from Stoney" riding trails boosting his spirit.  He was given to me as a Christmas Present.  He is a beautiful Mustang.  He now has fathered  a pony (filly or studly) not sure as I have not birthed  the bundle yet.
Being in the horse breeding business. Its a very hard thing to do, if your horses aren't producing the bundles you would like to see then you trade, auction or outright sell the horses to interested parties. Needless to say I only own one of my original horses I started with. With advice from a friend I will be selling her and the bundle to try and get a better breeding horses I might also be selling my Mustang to get a better Stud for breeding.

 As I sit here blogging about the horse business I did come across a rather annoying encounter of sorts the other night while I was on.  I met a gentlemen at the store where I was told Amaretto was offering free food. Its Called the "promise food"( I will try to explain about the Promise Food a little later) anyways I was talking to this guy there letting him know about the free food although he was just there "checking out prices"  I told him if he wanted to buy a horse to try out the breedable horses. I had two I was considering to sell. He then told someone else that I had horses and I got an Instant message from them.  (Shakes my head at this point) Gotta love conversations that go ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE.  UGH let me tell you this person whom I thought to be interested in buying my bundle and a horse ends up trying to sell me horses.  I in turn tell them that I know a couple other people that might be interested in buying horses. (I absolutely hate being the middle man per say)  then the person offers me the landmark and asked me to pass it along... by this time I have had it with this person and the conversation about what I thought was a conversation for selling my horses. I  decided that if this person considered buying my horses I would tell them to forget it,I will sell them at the auction. I then passed the landmark along to my two friends (as I was getting upset at this time)  I was then asked to come and check the horses out I passed on the invite that was the last thing I wanted to do.  Come to find out they had only "pet" horses there were no horses there for breeding they were all "Pets"... Its fine to have them as "pets" but then you should tell people that is what you have.  Save time and a headache. I was then educated on the "Pet" side of the Breedable horses.  I found out one more piece of information about "Pet horses" verses "Breedable horses" You do have a choice to make the breedable horses into pets just to ride but this is the information I found out. If the horses are on "pet food" it takes 7 days to switch them over to become breedable again..  Who knew? Not me!  I am learning.  Am I doing this to make a living off of it?  No not really but I would love to have a "Special Pony" show up in my bundle one day.  Who knows maybe someday it will happen. 

Now where I take my horses for a ride they do have fantasy horses for sale...I someday may eventually look into this but for now I am perfectly happy with my horses and trading them and breeding them.

Well that is about it for me on this entry... who knows maybe something will happen later on tonight that is exciting in sl. 

Until then

Peace and Love



  1. hi Izzie, the sim you went for riding, could you give us the LM. I've been looking for a spot to take my horse for a run... and no, it's not a breedable one! :-)

  2. as a matter of Fact yes I can give you the name it was called AKK Horse Ranch - Horses Sales Riding Trails Free. Its a very nice sim and very pretty scenery I think you will enjoy the trails. Let me know how you like it. :) Peace and Love my friend.

  3. Ah yes, I know AKK very where, it's where my horsie was bought :) And yes, I like it very much!
