Hi I am Izzie

Hi I am Izzie
Welcome to My life.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A day adventure to the Grand Canyon

Dear Diary,
I was sorting through my inventory when I got a request from my friend RoKk after telling him I was knee deep in the closet.  Told me to put some clothes on and take the hearse to meet him.   Much to my surprise I landed at the Grand Canyon.  What a beautiful place.  I let him talk me into sky diving, wasn't to sure about that. 

Skydiving at the grand Canyon


Chute reopens for a safe landing back where we left.

After falling and falling so slowly I was told to close my chute and free fall and my chute would auto deploy. MMMHMMM sure it will and I will lose another Kitty life.   So I followed the direction and free fell for a while then sure enough the chute reopened much to my surprise and I landed in the same spot we took off at.

After the landing it was time to join my best friend RoKk for a little dancing at the base of the Canyon listening to nature at is best.  A babbling river (sighs this is the life)

Such a beautiful place to dance.

My best friend then got called back to rl so I took it upon myself to explore the Grand Canyon on my own here a few of the pictures I took.

A view of the Canyon below.

Ah... kicking back on the rim of the Grand Canyon.

It was a beautiful day to visit the Grand Canyon.  Thank you to my friend RoKk  for pulling me out of inventory to Visit a beautiful place. :)  1 Date down and how many to go? Hahahah.

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