Hi I am Izzie

Hi I am Izzie
Welcome to My life.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Pet Peeve

Dear Diary,

Okay, so I have been to a couple of clubs.  Marked on Mature land.  Thinking okay fun clubs decent music, fun DJ's  have fun with the banter in the club.  Gestures flying off and bingo get hit with an instant message.  Please don't (copied part of the local chat of the gesture that flies off) do that in local chat we advertise as a pg club and will get in trouble with LL.  Okay here is a solution for all  clubs that are marked pg clubs in a mature land  that I am now going to stay away from because you don't bother to tell anyone the rules of your club.   When someone lands at your door and they come in to listen to their favorite dj spinning tunes and feeding your club barrels with their hard earned linden dollars so your place of business can run and voting for your  club so it can easily be found on sl websites and the search engine  maybe you will think about this so people like me who innocently enough types wb and the name of their friend and it comes up with gesture that someone typed an offensive word in it, knows not to use that in your club or if they are like me will decide not to visit your club because of your choice in rules. I so could go on rant but whats the use.  Just be smarter about your clubs and let everyone know your a pg club instead of a Mature club or an Adult club make it stand out so we don't make mistakes.  Give me a break ... don't worry I won't be back to your club.  I wish more people would stand up and make some noise about stupid stuff like this ...its bad enough big brother steps all over us in real life now we have worry about it in sl too? Give me a break.

Good Night Diary...


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