Hi I am Izzie

Hi I am Izzie
Welcome to My life.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I was informed it has been awhile since I have blogged

Dear Diary,
Yes, I guess I haven't blogged for awhile.  Just nothing that exciting happening in my daily life on sl.  Christmas and New years Rl Craziness took over my sl life.  Things have now settle back down into some sort of routine once again.  My day started out by using a new hud that I had gotten when I went to LOK's last night.  It tells you were all the letter of your first name lucky chairs are, I had no clue what I was doing but eventually it started to work. It would give me surls in the local chat and poof I was on a mission.  Needless to say I got hooked easily, before I knew what I was in for I landed in this place I kid you not wall to wall lucky chairs ceiling to floor.  Ok so how good could this lucky chair stuff  be?  Well I will give you one guess. Right... not all if its bad but most of it was not that great ..I did however manage to get the Cartman  avatar and some textures not sure what i will do with it but who knows someday I might need that ...OH wait WTH I am turning into a pack rat oh no you don't not in my inventory... out you go.  Okay so while i am at this place hoping from chair to chair to chair (well you get the point) I encounter...okay I didn't get permission from her to use her picture but I can't help myself  two avatars ...When I decided to take the picture the other avatar was gone but was left with this picture.  Its kind of scary but Yes even sl we can grow old and get wrinkles... here it comes

Is it Possible?  I think I have seen just about everything now...

Kicked back at wet willies watchin the action and blogging.

Okay so that was my morning...Afternoon was spent looking for a chair to cuddle in ...I found one but still lacking ..it only has one pose.  Some day I will find the perfect chair.  That leads us into the evening.  I log on decide to head to Wet Willies.  As I have posted in the past I am pretty good about Newbies.  Helping them to learn their way through the clubs and how to find the best clothes and the good avi skins or at least better then the freebie ones we all have had at one point in time thinking awe man I am smoking, HOT in this skin.Only to learn down the line that the skin was the worst possible skin I could of had.   Well anyways was sitting with my legs on the barrel just kind of thinking that I should do a blog since it was brought to my attention I haven't posted anything...while tossing out topics of what I could do with a friend of mine and actually laughing about some of the crazy topics I could pick.   A titler comes across the screen saying please set so and so's title on this channel they can not change it will have to live with it so I typed / the number and then some silly title...to Wickedpony.   A few moments later I decide to instant message her and tell her I hope she didn't mind the title we started chatting and I was joking that the titled must of caught someones eye..turns out this is a newbie he has found the couples dance balls is sitting on the couples blue ball but still dancing on the single dances .... all the time talking to Wickedpony  both of us dying cause he can't stop dancing on the single dances.  So finally after busting a gut over this guy I finally instant message him hoping to help..he pulls the "I know what I am doing " card ...I say sorry and back off the guy then go back to Wicked to chat back and forth once again laughing over all of this.  Finally says to me, please help I really do need some help...so i tell him what to do. He still can't dance so I pass him the never fail stop animation thingy.  Even that could not help him... he instant messages me back ..I think i am broken something is wrong.. I don't stop dancing.  Finally tell him to relog , log off and log back on. While he logs off after doing some shrinking in size  before he does this. Wicked and I both notice he has started to shrink in height.  Anyways finally loggs off, Wicked bails.... and he logs back on only to find Wicked gone and he is a midget.  Rflmao.  I kid you not this guy and dropped to kiddie size then all of sudden he grows a little.  So on to the next victim... he ends up and my table..I look around pretending not to notice him....finally scared he is going to ask me to dance I poof off to write my blog. 

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to the land of Blogdom, Izzie!

