Hi I am Izzie

Hi I am Izzie
Welcome to My life.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New addition to my Horse family.

Dear Diary,

Today was the day that "All My Heart" was to be bred.  I owe a lot to Stoney.  He has helped me so much.  He is the one that paired "Ozzy " and "All My Heart" .  We are hoping for a baby pony either by late tomorrow night or early Saturday Morning.  Needless to say the Male recovers quit fast ...just like in rl.   So by tomorrow I will be able to Stud "Ozzy " out again.   So today was a day to search and seek out specialized horses.  Needless to say Stoney managed to pick up a couple more female horses.  They are the Breast Cancer specialty horses.  I had found Two for him at this ranch he took me too.  Well I had to leave shortly after his second purchase.  When I returned to sl. I logged back into the ranch and decided to take another look around maybe I would get lucky and find a horse that I wanted.   After looking for a little while.  I came across this female.  I looked at her lineage.. and what do you think I found.   Her father had certain traits like caring the element eyes and the mother was a breast cancer specialty horse.  She was beautiful horse and I am undecided as to what I should do. Walk away...and hope I would get lucky at the next ranch and find one just as good or rob Peter to pay Paul.  I had Stoney join me to get his advice.. while talking it over I was going back and forth, after all  it was a fair price to pay.  I had almost all of the money I needed but knew I would be broke on sl until I could start breeding horses to sell. After bantering back and forth with Stoney about it in my mind, I finally decided I just could not pass her up.  So I am now the Proud owner of "Breathe"
I will be paring her up with Ozzy at first just to see what kind of baby I can get.  Then when Stoney's stud "Little Big Foot" is old enough to breed I will pair "Breathe" up with him and hopefully get some really nice babies.   Until then I wanted to share "Breathe" with you.

My newest Female. Welcome to the family Breathe.
After my purchase Stoney wanted to go do some dancing.  So I met him at Wet Willies and we danced the Wet Willie's slushie... Then it was time to head off for the night.  So here we are doing the slushie. 
Doing the Slushie with my man Stoney at Wet Willies. 
Until we have news on the baby .  Sleep well Sl ..
Sweet dreams
Peace and Love


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